"Is 'Hook-Up Culture' Real?"
For a medical research company
Freelance asset designer/artist for
Fly Machine Picture Company.
A selection of digital 2D assets created for several explainer video series for NY Mag - "Science of Us", and "This is Your Brain on Advertising" with Adobe - and an extensive informational video series for a medical research company.
Working remotely as a member of the international team, I roughed out, inked and coloured characters, props, and backgrounds using the storyboards and style guidelines provided, ensuring everything was on-model and on-style.
Text and compositing for NY Mag by fellow team members.
For a medical research company
For a medical research company
"Is 'Hook-Up Culture' Real?" NYMag / Fly Machine Picture Company
"How to Sound Smart When You Feel Dumb"
"How to Be Happy On Vacations"
"How Anxiety Can Make You Smarter"
"Take Naps to Be More Productive"
"Lie About Your Lover"
"Is Casual Sex Unhealthy?"
"Your Sex Drive is Normal"
"Sex Doesn't Sell"
"Do We Love Brands as Much as Friends?"
"How to Stop Impulse Buying"
"Don't Let Your Senses Fool You"
"Why Kids Are So Vulnerable to Marketing"